Although age is not very important, I was curious approximately what age range characters of Ristorante Paradiso fall into. Issue 39 of Manga Erotics F published an age chart.

In order from oldest to youngest:

Luciano is 64 years old

Lorenzo is 51 years old.

Gabriella is in her late forties.

Teo is in his early forties.

Nicoletta is 21 years old.

Source: Miss-Deep

Overall, this chart is somewhat surprising to me because I thought they are a little younger. That’s ok, love is ageless 🙂

Note: No broadcast this week due to two consecutive episodes released last week.

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12 thoughts on “Ristorante Paradiso: Gentlemen’s Age

  1. GiGi’s age is worked out by Loreno’s age, as Lorenzo specifies a thirteen-year age difference in chapter four of the manga. So as unlikely as it seems, he’s one of the oldest. ^^;

    Most of the other age brackets appear to be estimates (with the ages noted being the only ones revealed in canon). As the chart was published in issue 39 of Erotics F, I’m not sure if anything changed w/the publication of GENTE.

  2. Wow, I thought Luciano, the grumpy old grandpa would be the oldest. Gigi… haha, maybe because he didn’t really talk much, so I couldn’t tell! (: I like Claudio the best though. He’s got that friendly smile. Ha, he may be super old, but meh.

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