Let us be productive this year!

Art by Tsurui

Eventually, life will force you to become very organized because things just keep compounding every year it seems. I tried various software over the years, but it is hard to beat pencil and paper – this year I might need something more though. I conducted a brief research and found a few web-based tools that I really liked.

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How to Beat Insomnia

I noticed that many of my friends have sleep problems. A few years ago I wrote a brief guide to help my friend and wanted to publish it for a while, but it never happened for various reasons. This weekend I found the document, edited it a little, and here is the result 🙂 These are some tips that might help, but if you have difficulties with sleep, it is best to visit a doctor.

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How to Capture Screenshots from Videos Quickly and Efficiently

As you might have noticed, I like to image spam take many screenshots of my favorite anime and films. Shooting, processing, and posting more that 100 screenshots might seem like a daunting task, but can be easily accomplished with proper methods. In this brief guide, I’ll tell you how to make screencapping from videos a breeze 🙂 Continue reading “How to Capture Screenshots from Videos Quickly and Efficiently”

How to Create English Versions of Japanese Blog Feeds

Japanese Bloggers Rule the World!

Many blogs are written in Japanese and many people use web feeds to read blogs. Now we have a problem: how can we read feeds from Japanese blogs if we are not fluent? I encourage everyone who is studying the language to read original Japanese for practice, but sometimes we just need to get the information and move on. There is a solution to this problem! You can make custom blog feeds and translate them not only to English, but other languages as well 🙂 Continue reading “How to Create English Versions of Japanese Blog Feeds”